Bouquet of Gerberas, Daisies and Chryshanthimums


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This bouquet includes gerberas, daisies and chrysanthemums wrapped in a beautiful wrapping and a ribbon.


We can deliver to Colombo, Kalutara, Negombo, Kandy, Galle, Matara, Tangalla and other areas in Sri Lanka. Please  contact us to customized this flower bouquet and get the delivery details.

Substitution Policy

In Some Instances, the photo may represent an overall theme or look and include a one-of-a-kind Vase which cannot be exactly replicated. Although the actual bouquet may not precisely match the photo, its temperament will. Occasionally, substitutions may be necessary to create your arrangement due to the availability or quality of certain flowers or vases.  Creative design is taken to maintain the style, theme and color scheme of the arrangement, your arrangement will always be of equal value or greater value. We will make every attempt to match the style, theme and flower type and color scheme.


Additional information

Weight 2 kg

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